Správna rada prijala viacročnú stratégiu agentúry ECHA na roky 2019-2023. Stratégia definuje priority agentúry ECHA a spôsob, akým ich agentúra bude na tento čas implementovať. Načrtáva príspevok k ochrane ľudského zdravia a životného prostredia v novej ére pre európske a medzinárodné riadenie chemických látok.
Spoločnosti majú zavedené systémy na poskytovanie informácií o bezpečnom používaní v dodávateľskom reťazci. Avšak podľa zistení celoeurópskeho projektu presadzovania práva je potrebné zlepšiť kvalitu týchto informácií s cieľom chrániť pracovníkov pred nebezpečnými chemikáliami.
Registering your chemicals under REACH is not a one-off exercise: you will learn new things about your substance, and your own situation may change. This has to be reflected in your registration. Therefore, you need to regularly review your dossier and update it when new information becomes available.
The Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) for authorisation now contains 191 substances.
Helsinki, 27 June 2018– ECHA has added eight new SVHCs to the Candidate List following the SVHC identification process with the involvement of the Member State Committee (MSC).
Two further substances, TMA and DCHP, have also been added to the list, having been identified as SVHCs by the European Commission due to their respiratory sensitising properties and toxic for reproduction and endocrine-disrupting properties, respectively. The Commission’s decision follows the referral of the MSC opinions on these SVHC proposals in 2016.
Substances included in the Candidate List for authorisation on 27 June 2018 and their SVHC properties:
Scientific criteria have been agreed to identify endocrine disruptors under the EU legislation for pesticides and biocides. The criteria for biocides apply from 7 June 2018.
Helsinki, 7 June 2018 – A drafting group consisting of scientific staff from ECHA and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), with the support of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), have developed scientific guidance to enable the identification of endocrine disruptors. The guidance advises applicants and assessors of the competent regulatory authorities on how to identify endocrine disruptors in accordance with the endocrine disruptor criteria.
The European Commission tasked ECHA and EFSA to develop the guidance to ensure harmonised implementation of the endocrine disruptor criteria throughout the EU for the assessment of biocides and plant protection products. The guidance has been consulted with the Agencies’ stakeholders, ECHA’s endocrine disruptor expert group and Member States’ biocides and pesticides competent authorities.
ECHA will host a webinar on 19 June to explain the practical implications of the criteria and the new guidance to the affected companies and authorities with obligations under the Biocidal Products Regulation.
The European Commission is preparing to amend the Authorisation List (Annex XIV to REACH) entries owing to the additional identification of the four phthalates as substances of very high concern (SVHCs) with endocrine disrupting effects on human health or the environment. Consequently, some uses previously exempted may require authorisation.
Helsinki, 5 June 2018 – In 2014 and 2017 the four phthalates bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP, EC 204-211-0, CAS 117-81-7), dibutyl phthalate (DBP, EC 201-557-4, CAS 84-74-2), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP, EC 201-622-7, CAS 85-68-7) and diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP, EC 201-553-2, CAS 84-69-5) were identified as substances of very high concern (SVHCs) for authorisation due to endocrine disrupting properties with effects on human health and, in the case of DEHP, also on the environment. The Candidate List entries for these substances were updated accordingly.
The four phthalates had earlier been identified as SVHCs and subsequently added to the Authorisation List in 2011 and 2012 due to their classification as toxic for reproduction.
Later this year, the European Commission intends to amend the current entries of these substances in the Authorisation List to also include the endocrine disrupting properties as intrinsic properties referred to in Article 57.
The 10-year registration period for existing chemicals is now complete following the last REACH registration deadline on 31 May 2018. 13 620 European companies have submitted information to ECHA in nearly 90 000 registrations for chemicals manufactured in or imported to the EU and EEA at above one tonne a year.
Helsinki, 1 June 2018 – Today we know more about the chemicals used in Europe than ever before. This knowledge, generated by industry, is stored and published by ECHA in the world’s largest public regulatory database on chemicals and forms the basis for protecting citizens and the environment from the risks posed by chemicals. ECHA, the EU Member States and the European Commission will use the increased knowledge to take action where necessary, for example, by restricting or authorising certain uses of chemicals.
Over the first 10 years of the REACH Regulation, the EU has established a fair and transparent internal market for chemicals with strict safety rules. This promotes innovation towards safer substances and strengthens EU competitiveness.
During the last two weeks before the 31 May registration deadline, you can easily contact ECHA for help with your registration using a new live chat function.
Helsinki, 17 May 2018 – From Friday 18 May until Thursday 31 May, ECHA staff will be on call to help you register your substance successfully under REACH.
Give your name and email address and click Join now. You will be able to get assistance and answers to your questions from our panellist ‘ECHA Support 2018’.
We aim to answer you on the spot. If more time is needed to consider and provide information, we will let you know. ECHA’s support chat is available on weekdays from 9:00 to 16:00 CEST (GMT +2).
Summaries of product characteristics and non-confidential assessment reports will be available on ECHA’s website by the end of 2018.
Helsinki, 16 May 2018 – ECHA will make more information on biocidal products available on its website. There will also be more options for users to search for information, and it will be possible to compare products.
What will be published?
Non-confidential assessment reports by national authorities
Updates to the authorisation status of products (amendments, revisions and renewals)
Summaries of product characteristics, containing key product information, including:
product trade names
substances in the product and their concentrations
biocidal product composition
the manufacturer of the product
the manufacturer of the active substance
hazard and precautionary statements
the organism the product is targeted at
application methods
type of packaging
instructions for use.
What will remain confidential?
Information that can undermine the protection of the commercial interests or the privacy of the persons concerned. This includes details of the full composition of the product and the precise tonnage of the active substance or product manufactured or made available on the market.
The function of a non-active substance in a biocidal product can be considered confidential. The name of a non-active substance can also be considered confidential unless being aware of its existence is essential for the proper use of the product or the substance is of concern.
Next steps
To make sure the information will be correctly published, the Member State competent authorities for biocidal products are checking the assessment reports, summaries of product characteristics and decisions available in R4BP 3, the biocides IT tool. Before uploading an assessment report, they will contact the relevant companies directly to check what information should be kept confidential.
The work is planned to be finalised by the end of November 2018.
The cloud version of the chemical data management tool IUCLID – built with special features to support small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) – is now available to companies of all sizes.
Helsinki, 15 May 2018 – ECHA is opening the IUCLID Cloud for SMEs to all companies registering under REACH. The service was originally designed for SMEs and their consultants to help them in preparing their registration dossiers for the 31 May 2018 deadline by providing a simpler platform.
The Agency changed the terms of the service to support future registration activities, as companies will continue to submit updates of existing registrations and new dossiers. The cloud service will ease especially the preparation of small-volume REACH registrations.
The IUCLID Cloud fits your purpose best if:
you have to manage data for around 50 substances and the volume of data is low (does not exceed 1 GB);
you want to work online, with your IUCLID application always up-to-date;
you want to benefit from a simpler interface and get additional support through step-by-step guidance to prepare your dossier.
If you have already started preparing your REACH registration with the traditional IUCLID software, you can easily import your data to the cloud and continue your work online. Also, if at some point you want to use the traditional IUCLID again, you can export your data back.
To allow the service to be used by all companies, an update in the terms and conditions is required. This means that, after the update, current subscribers of IUCLID Cloud will have to accept again the (amended) terms and conditions.
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